
The documents collection contains a mix of written materials, pamphlets, and brochures which were often intended for an impermanent use. The items here, a small portion of what is contained in the White Grass Collection, have been preserved by individuals over the years in their personal collections and subsequently donated to the White Grass Heritage Project. Materials shared here cannot be reproduced for any reason without permission. If you have documents that you’d like to gift to White Grass, please Get Involved for details. To submit a request for the use of the documents you find here, contact us.

Documents Index:

100 Years of White Grass History: Slideshow created by Roger Butterbaugh documents the history of White Grass via text and historical photos.
Land Patents: Deeds granting ownership of land.
Hammond Family History: Genealogy and relationships to White Grass.
White Grass Reunions: 2000, 2011, and 2014 Reunions.
White Grass Ranch Compilation: A Compilation of Stories from the National Trust Website & More, edited by Rachel Trahern, 2014.
Documents about William Balderston & Sky Ranch: Land for this ranch was purchased from Frank Galey’s White Grass.
White Grass Brochures: Scans of original advertising brochures.
Episcopal Retreat Brochure: Scans of original brochure.
White Grass Songbook: Original songs from the ranch.
Letters from a Cabin Girl: Published series of letters to home while working at White Grass.
Ranch Map: Map drawn by Cindy Galey Peck.
Frank Galey Obituary: Frank Galey Obituary 1985.
White Grass to Cease Operation: Article about the closing of White Grass in 1985.
Ranch Auction: Article about the ranch auction in 1985.
Auction Ad: An ad run in the Jackson Hole Guide about the ranch auction in 1985.
Fire destroys Galey Home: An article about the fire at the Galey cabin.
Hofley Newspaper Scrapbook: Collection of newspaper articles about White Grass and historic preservation projects around Jackson.
White Grass Newspaper Articles: Various articles written about White Grass.
2002 Condition Assessment: Condition Assessment by Harrison Goddall.
2008 Cultural Landscape Report: Cultural Landscape and Historic Structures Report.
2016 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Invitation, ranch map and ceremony transcript.
Planning Documents: Documents creating WCHP
Vanishing Treasures Catalogs: Vanishing Treasures Catalogs (2018, 2019)
Cabin Restoration Histories


100 Years of White Grass History

Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 of 3.

Part 3 of 3.

Land Patents

Harold Hammond Land Patent

Harold Hammond Land Patent

George Bispham Land Patent

George Bispham Land Patent


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White Grass Reunions

2000 White Grass Reunion.

2000 White Grass Reunion.

2011 White Grass Reunion.

2011 White Grass Reunion.

2014 White Grass Reunion.

2014 White Grass Reunion.

White Grass Ranch Compilation

William Balderston & Sky Ranch

William Balderston in JH (1913-1915).

Pack Trip (1956).

Sky Ranch Diary (1973).

NPS Cultural Lanscape Inventory (2011).


White Grass Brochures

1923 White Grass for Boys Brochure

1925 Bar BC Ranches Brochure

1925 Bar BC Ranches Brochure

1925 White Grass Ranch Brochure

1925 White Grass Ranch Brochure

1935 White Grass Ranch Brochure

1935 White Grass Ranch Brochure

1948 Brochure

1948 Brochure

1962 Brochure

1962 & 1981 Brochure

1964 Brochure

1964 Brochure

1980 Horse Drive Info Sheet

1980 Horse Drive Info Sheet

1981 Brochure Materials

1981 Brochure Materials

Episcopal Retreat Brochure



White Grass Songbook

White Grass Songbook


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Map drawn by Cindy Galey Peck.


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White Grass Newspaper Articles

1960 Dude Ranch Rodeo to be Discontinued,

1960 Dude Ranch Rodeo to be Discontinued.

50th Anniversary.

50th Anniversary.

1970 60th Anniversary of White Grass.

1970 60th Anniversary of White Grass.

1977 Fourth of July celebration.

1977 Fourth of July celebration.

1985 White Grass Auction

1985 White Grass Auction

Frank Galey obituary 1985.

Frank Galey obituary 1985.

White Grass to cease operation 1985.

White Grass to cease operation 1985.

White Grass auction 1985.

White Grass auction 1985.

Auction ad for White Grass Ranch 1985.

Auction ad for White Grass Ranch 1985.

Fire destroys Galey home.

Fire destroys Galey home.

2002 Condition Assessment

2002 condition assessment by Harrison Goddall.

2002 condition assessment by Harrison Goddall.

2008 Cultural Landscape Report

2008 Cultural Landscape & Historic Structures Report.

2008 Cultural Landscape & Historic Structures Report.

2016 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


Ribbon Cutting Invitation

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Tour of White Grass August 30, 2016

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Transcript

Click here to see the Ribbon Cutting in the videos.

Western Center for Historic Preservation


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Agreement creating the Western Center for Historic Preservation.


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2018 Vanishing Treasures Catalog

2019 Vanishing Treasures Catalog.


Cabin 1154 Guest Booklet

Girls’ Cabin Booklet

Cabin 1155 Guest Booklet

Cabin #1155 Booklet

Hammond Cabin Information Booklet

Hammond Cabin Booklet

Cabin 1157 Information Booklet

Cabin #1157 Booklet

Cabin 1158 Information Booklet

Cabin #1158 Booklet

Triple Cabin 1160 Information Booklet

Triple Cabin #1160 Booklet

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of the Past You've Shared with White Grass Dude Ranch