Get Involved

The White Grass Heritage Project is only possible because of the involvement of a large community of former wranglers and dudes, interested public, trainees, and volunteers. The Heritage Project is a living and breathing collection that relies on continued involvement and participation.

Contact us to offer a comment, donate historic items, raise a question or ask for additional information on any of the topics below.

COMING HOME: Do you have a piece of White Grass heritage you would like see back at the ranch? We accept White Grass photos, ranch brochures, correspondence, journals, ranch memorabilia, original White Grass furnishings and other artifacts that fit within our scope of collections. We accept digital copies of original items, e.g., photos, slides and documents, and seek 8/16mm film, VHS tapes and/or video shot at the ranch. Digital scanning, duplication and editing services may be available free to the donor with the original and/or digital copy of all materials archived given back to the donor. To donate to our collection, please email us an item description. Our team will determine how an item fits our scope of collections and work with you to process the donation.

SHARE YOUR STORY: If you have experienced the White Grass Ranch, we encourage you to “Share Your Story.” To submit your story, please access our submission form.  If your story can’t be captured in written format, we may be interested in collecting an oral history from you.

SHARE YOUR TIME: Volunteers have been an integral part of the success of the White Grass Heritage Project. Volunteers who have access to a computer can transcribe ranch oral histories remotely. As special projects arise, we need help at the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum in Jackson, Wyoming and at the White Grass Ranch in the Grand Teton National Park.

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS:  We welcome your feedback and suggestions about the White Grass Heritage Project and our website.

STAY UPDATED: We try to keep the White Grass Heritage Project community current on our latest activities. If you want to be added to our mailing list for periodic project updates, please contact usYour email address will not be shared with any group or organization.    

Share Your Story

of the Past You've Shared with White Grass Dude Ranch